Hi everyone! Today I wanted to share my Heartsprinkle Stitch tutorial. It’s such a fun stitch to make blankets with!
I am working on many tutorials and patterns that uses this stitch! STAY TUNED!
For my blanket I have decided to use all sorts of colors. I wanted to make a rainbow blanket and decided to use Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. You do not have to use all these colors. You need to at least have two and I suggest that the lighter color should be used for the background and the darker color for the hearts. I was going to use white for my hearts in this rainbow blanket but decided not to because I was not happy with how it looked against certain colors (like yellow). I ended up making multiple swatches before I found the combination of colors I was happy with.
The throw blanket I am working on is 50in wide. It is still in progress. If you’d like to do one in the same size, I started with a Ch 180+2 with a total of 180 stitches on my first row.
[[My progress for my blanket will be updated soon]]
*This is a sample swatch only so you can learn how to do the stitch but you can make a blanket to any size you’d like*
dc-double crochet
BL-back loop
SPdc-spike double crochet
- This stitch is made in multiples of 6+2. You can make your blanket as big as you’d like as long as you make your stitches in multiples of 6+2.
- This stitch has a special stitch called spike stitches. I will be using the term “regular spike stitch” for the stitch used to spike into TWO rows below. And I will be using the term “long spike stitch” for the stitch used to spike THREE rows below.
- For every ch 1, skip the next stitch, and work in the next.
- When you modify to make it the length you desire, repeat the sequence. Sometimes you end with a partial sequence.
- All CH 2 counts as double crochet stitch.
-G/4.00mm or H/5.00mm Crochet Hook
-Worsted Weight Yarn (at least two colors)
Swatch sample size 4 hearts wide
CH 24+2 (total of 26 CH)
Row 1: DC into 4th ST from hook. DC in all CH remaining. (24) CH 2, turn.
Row 2: DC in the next 4 STS, CH 1, skip next ST, *[DC in the next 5 STS, CH 1]*Repeat*. Fasten off.
Row 3: Attach new color (heart color) Ch 2, dc in next st, ch 1, *[dc in the next two sts, BL SPKdc, DC in the next 2 STS. CH 1]* Repeat* end with dc 2, ch 2. Turn.
Row 4: Dc 1, ch 1, dc 2, *[dc 2, ch 1, dc 2]*repeat*. Fasten off.
Row 5: Attach new color (or background color) Ch 2, dc 1, long SPdc, dc 2, BL SPdc, *[dc 2, long SPdc, dc 2, BL SPdc]*repeat*, ch 2, turn.
Row 6: Dc 1, ch 1, *[dc 5, ch 1]*repeat*. Fasten off.
Row 7: Attach new color (or heart color) Ch 2, BL SPdc, dc 2, ch 1, *[dc 2, BL SPdc, dc 2, ch 1]*repeat*, ch 2, turn.
Row 8: Dc 2, ch 1, dc 2, *[dc 2, ch 1, dc 2]*repeats*, fasten off.
Row 9: Attach new color [or background color} Ch 2, dc 1, BL SPdc, dc 2, long SPdc, dc 2, BL SPdc, *[dc 2, long SPdc, dc 2, BL SPdc, dc 2]*repeat*, ch 2, turn.
Row 10: Dc 4, ch 1, *[dc 5, ch 1]*repeat*, fasten off.
Repeat from Row 1-10 until you have your desired length.
Here is my youtube video that can also help you with this stitch!
Tags: blanket stitch, heart, heart stitch, heartsprinkle stitch